The weather has been remarkably cool. Here it is mid Sept and we haven’t seen high temps above 85deg! Most nights drop into the high 50s with daytime highs of 70 something. Leaving when we did and heading north, we were chasing Spring. The Hudson River valley was still in early bloom with the bright green leaves of new growth. It’s part of the amazing journey that the loop is, perfectly aligned to avoid hurricane season too. Up north during the season and south for a mild winter. Lovin the loop; they should probably rename it “Chasing 70!” Update – Mid Illinois, we started seeing temperatures in the 90s! We’re not dealing well with these high temperature days and the humidity. Surprised how late in the season these temperatures are occurring, we’re getting a taste of what many have been experiencing back home since we left. In the picture above the 17.4 is the temp in our freezer, the 95.5 is the temp in the galley an...
It’s complicated but it really lets you pack them in. Having done it now 3 times now, I hope I’m done with it. For us it’s complicated by the tender hanging off the stern and our stern anchor rode being 300 ft long in the bottom of a lazarette under a pile of other items. All the rode has to come out into the cockpit for attaching to a tree on the shore. It makes for a messy operation. Let’s see if I can explain. To anchor med style, you have to be able to backup well, which being a sailboat puts us at a distinct disadvantage (can you hear me saying powerboat would be better here too, but I won’t say it). You also ignore the winds as you will back into a parking spot between other boats anchoring the same way. You “simply” pick a spot, throw out the bow anchor in front of it, back into the slot and tie a rope to something substantial on the shore, and put out bumpers for your neighbors. That’s all you have to do. So we pick...